Sunday, November 19, 2006

Eileen Davidson FIRED!

In a stunning move, the Y & R powers that be, have released Eileen Davidson who plays the character of Ashley Abbott, or Carlton (who knows?) from her contract.

I am saddened and in shock.

Eileen originated the role of Ashley Abbott in 1982.

What are they thinking? Can't they come up with a storyline for the talented Ms. Davidson?

Monday, November 13, 2006

Why are They Running?

So if Neil nor Dru did not kill Carmen, then why are they running, and why are they frantically getting Devon to go?

Did they find out something that we don't know about?

Or did I just miss something?

I am sure they will have a logical explanation to Will as to where they were in such a hurry to.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Very Interesting Episode!

Today's episode was very revealing and interesting!

I never would have even suspected Michael and his little scenario. Or Victoria. Or Jana or Kevin for that matter.

Be-jebus, just about anyone in Genoa City could have killed Carmen.

Maybe it was Billy and someone was blackmailing him, and he lied about the Internet gambling and bookies. And Jack found out, and helped him by sending him to Hong Kong. Now that is a scenario that was not played out, was it???

I really, really, really want the murder to be solved with a "shocking twist". One that we would never think of.

Would the writers that be ever be so bold as to get rid of a main character?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Eric playing Victor - or Victor playing Eric?

Who do you think this is?

Eric Braeden playing Victor or vice versa. Eric is one mad man in this little video from

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dru - Tone it Down Honey!

Nice way to tone down your look - Dru!

The hat she was wearing looked like one that she would wear to a funeral.

Why doesn't Lauren bring her by the boutique and get her some nice, respectable, innocent woman wearing clothes?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Baby Billy.

I really hate to rag on people - my Y & R characters.

But does anyone care about Billy? And his problems?

I do not care for this new Billy, and the writers that be are tyring to throw him into a huge storyline.

I don't get it.

I don't like it.

At least Kay is seing Billy for who he really is.

Go Grandma!!!

And I really don't care!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Behind the Scenes Fun!

I found this video on You Tube featuring a The Young and the Restless photo shoot with Peter Bergman, Christian LeBlanc and Jeanne Cooper.

Special Episode Alert - Who Killed Carmen?

In a special episode the citizens of Genoa City speculate about the newest Y&R murder mystery - Who Killed Carmen?.

The episode will include possible scenarios as different characters provide us insight as to where they might have been.

It airs this upcoming Friday, November 10th.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday Cliffhanger.

Is it just me, or did today's episode with the all important Friday cliffhanger, suck?

Everyone got served with Grand Jury papers - big deal.

I am beginning to wonder more and more though if Lily is guilty of something here. Maybe not murder, but she is up to something. She mad it a point to tell everyone that she left the apartment and went to the park. At first I though it was just a bogus alibi for Devon, but she said that she really was there. And I just might believe her.

And who else thinks that the good looking professor is up to no good? He is obviously onto Brad & family, and I think he may be a spy or FBI.

And Dru, honey - like one of my commenter's said - please brush your hair!

Ooh - and Lauren, get some sleep. I can see the PPD starting already.
I honestly think that Sheila is alive, and Lauren will know, but be suffering from Post Partum Depression and no one will believe her when she tries to tell everyone.

Maybe I just think too much about Y & R.

Any spoilers or thoughts on my ideas from my readers?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Poor Lauren.

Lauren is being so paranoid - poor thing.

She is totally justified in being so overprotective of Fen (short for Fenmore - don't ya love it?).

Thank goodness they get to bring the little baby home today.

I do still think that Sheila making herself to look like Phyllis will still come into play somewhere. Amber (from B&B) is making a crossover, and I think... can't be sure, think that she is Sheila's daughter or somehow related to her???

Let me know what you think.