Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday Cliffhanger.

Is it just me, or did today's episode with the all important Friday cliffhanger, suck?

Everyone got served with Grand Jury papers - big deal.

I am beginning to wonder more and more though if Lily is guilty of something here. Maybe not murder, but she is up to something. She mad it a point to tell everyone that she left the apartment and went to the park. At first I though it was just a bogus alibi for Devon, but she said that she really was there. And I just might believe her.

And who else thinks that the good looking professor is up to no good? He is obviously onto Brad & family, and I think he may be a spy or FBI.

And Dru, honey - like one of my commenter's said - please brush your hair!

Ooh - and Lauren, get some sleep. I can see the PPD starting already.
I honestly think that Sheila is alive, and Lauren will know, but be suffering from Post Partum Depression and no one will believe her when she tries to tell everyone.

Maybe I just think too much about Y & R.

Any spoilers or thoughts on my ideas from my readers?

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