Sunday, November 19, 2006

Eileen Davidson FIRED!

In a stunning move, the Y & R powers that be, have released Eileen Davidson who plays the character of Ashley Abbott, or Carlton (who knows?) from her contract.

I am saddened and in shock.

Eileen originated the role of Ashley Abbott in 1982.

What are they thinking? Can't they come up with a storyline for the talented Ms. Davidson?


Anonymous said...

lately Y&R has been lacking in storylines, but firing Elieen Davidson is the worst. Nobody can portray Ashley the way she does, she has so much history on the show! I for one won't watch anymore when she's gone, who's next?

Anonymous said...

Eileen Davidson' Ashley was not a likable character. I'm glad they've decided to fire her. I think the writer's are going to use Davidson's leaving, as a way to expalin who killed Carmen. Perhaps she will be sent to prison.

Anonymous said...

I would think they would be able to give her some type of storyline. She is a great actress. Played over 5 different roles at one point on another soap. If she is leaving Y&R.. I hope she considers going back to days.

Anonymous said...

I've been a Y&R fan for 2 decades and I can't believe Eileen Davidson was fired.

Ashley is a staple of Y&R and she is very talented but so under utilized on the show. Cheers to her for asking for what she deserves and jeers to executives and writers for letting her talent go to waste. Not to mention they obviously have no respect for her fans and fans of the show.